Time: 1:00 PM
Event Coordinator: Lisa Summers ciwcinfo@gmail.com
Maximum: 12 people
Day hike March 30, 2025. 1-4 pm, DePauw Nature Park, Greencastle Indiana.
We will meet at the parking lot at the end of the drive that turns off of Walnut Street.
An abandoned quarry was donated to DePauw University, and they turned it into a Nature Park with trails that go down to Big Walnut Creek, and also around the rim and into the quarry.
We will hike a total of about 6 miles. I would rate this as easy, without much elevation change, but it has nice scenery. Also, a minimum of mud which would likely be an issue this time of year other places.
Please bring water and snacks.
There is no admission fee.
Please Register to help us anticipate turnout.
Any questions, please contact Lisa Summers: ciwcinfo@gmail.com