• Wisconsin Bike Trip, Elroy-Sparta Trail, WI, August 16-23, 2025

Wisconsin Bike Trip, Elroy-Sparta Trail, WI, August 16-23, 2025

  • August 16, 2025
  • August 23, 2025
  • 113 White Kendall, Elroy, WI 54638


  • Deposit Trip Fee Payment is due at sign up.
  • Sneak preview registration is February 1-3, 2025. Your name will be included on the list. If the number of participants registered exceeds the number allowed, there will be a lottery drawing to determine who is on the participant list and who is on the waitlist.
    The results of the drawing may not be available until February 25th. The $50 sneak preview payment will hold a spot (participant list or waitlist) until March 4, 2025, when the rest of the deposit or trip total is due.
  • Wait List Payment is due at sign up. This registration DOES NOT QUARANTEE a place on the trip. You will be notified when space becomes available.


Wisconsin Bike Trip

Elroy-Spart, Trail, WI (for starters)

August 16-23, 2025

Co-Trip Leaders: John South and TBD

Type of Trip: Biking/Camping

Trip Cost/Deposit: $950/$475

Cancellation Date and full payment: July 1, 2025

Wilderness Level: 2 

Trip Difficulty: Moderate, 172 miles total, longest day is 39 miles,10-12 mph, moderate grades, mostly trails, paved or hard pack gravel

Policy on Fitness Self-Assessment 

Level 2: Primarily applies to trips in which we carry only day packs. In one day, we can hike up to 9 miles and 4500 feet of elevation gain on maintained trails, or up to 7 miles and 2000 feet of elevation gain on more rugged, less-maintained trails. For a Level 2 trip you should be comfortable hiking 6-8 miles in a day in hilly or mountainous terrain with a light day pack. If a backpacking trip has a Level 2 rating, it means the distances are 2-4 miles with little elevation gain/loss.

Level 3: Applies to backpacking trips in which we hike with 25-35 pound backpacks. In one day, we can hike up to 7 miles and 3000 feet of elevation gain on maintained trails, or up to 5 miles and 2000 feet of elevation gain on more rugged trails. For a Level 3 trip you should be comfortable hiking 6-8 miles in a day in hilly or mountainous terrain with a 25-pound backpack.

Group Size: 8/7 Maximum/Minimum

Adults. Youth with leader approval OK

Wisconsin has many bike trails throughout the state. I have selected 5 trails that are on the west side of the state. One trail in particular (Elroy to Sparta trail) is the first rail trail in the country. It’s noted for its woodland beauty and the three tunnels on the route. The Great River trail traverses the flat marshes along the Mississippi River. Birding is popular along this trail. The trails are mostly hard packed gravel. We will camp 6 nights and prepare breakfast and supper each day. The last night will be in a hotel with a visit to Taliesen (Frank Lloyd Wright’s home) the following day. Meals will be provided when we camp but meals are not provided while we are traveling by bike or car. You will be expected to share the hotel room with another person. The trip starts Saturday morning and returns the following Saturday.

The longest day is 39 miles and the shortest 20 miles. Total mileage over the 6 days is 172 miles or 29 miles/day. Terrain will be fairly level. Bikes and riders need to be in good condition. Helmets and front and rear lights are required. SAG support will be available but not immediate. A rider may choose to have a rest day if they desire.

Questions may be submitted to ciwcinfo@gmail.com.

All trip participants must fill out and submit a CIWC Medical Form  and Long Waiver Form.  

Effective on all trips, there will be a $50 non refundable registration fee. This fee will be assessed to those who sign up for a trip, get on the roster and then later cancel. Even cancelling before the cancel date. Those who never make the active roster (i.e. those who stay on the waitlist) will NOT be charged the $50 cancellation fee. 

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